Over 40?

Eyecare Over 40

Do you sometimes feel that the light is too poor for reading or that print is getting smaller? Are you over 40? The progressive deterioration in the ability of the lenses in our eyes to focus close up is directly related to our age. While symptoms such as fatigue while using computers or doing close work, headaches, eyestrain, inability to read small print, can seem to present suddenly, they have generally developed over a period of time.
Looking After Your Vision Over 40

It’s wise to have regular, thorough eye tests. This will ensure you can enjoy the comfort of having the most accurate prescription for your eyes at all times. You should look on this stage of having regular eye examinations as the beginning of taking better care of yourself. Your body needs more care as it ages to ensure you can enjoy life to the fullest. Your sight exam will include a wide range of checks for diseases which become more prevalent with age, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, tumours, circulatory disease, etc. Take care of your eyes and your health. These are the foundations of your real wealth.

Need Reading Glasses?

Do you find that the light is not good enough, or that your arms just aren’t long enough? Maybe it’s time to consider being tested for reading glasses. Reading glasses come in many shapes and sizes depending on your needs. If you spend a great deal of time concentrating on material close-up, you may benefit from a larger frame for your reading glasses for extra comfort. Or perhaps you need a pair of tiny foldable reading glasses for use in places like dimly lit restaurants so you can know your ‘filet de boeuf’ from your ‘foie gras.’

Unfortunately the need for reading glasses is generally age related.

Generally if you have never needed glasses in the past, you will start out with a pair of reading glasses rather than bifocals or varifocal lenses (no visible line on the lens). Varifocals may be a better choice if you also need a distance correction. Our team is highly experienced at helping you to choose the right frame to complement your face.


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